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Improved Bottom Line, Save Up to 85% on Your Total PPE Cost

Bates Enterprises is in the business of saving you money while helping you do your part to preserve our environment. We design our services to suit your requirements. Our personal protective equipment laundering services are customizable to perfectly meet your needs. You’ll get PPE that exceeds the industry standard for cleanliness. In addition, your PPE will be laundered separately so you can be sure you’ll get your equipment back, clean and ready to go without worrying about missing gloves.

Our services save you more than any other alternative. You may be tempted to go with a cheaper laundry service, but have you really saved any money when your gloves come back still dirty, unsafe, and unusable? You may want to purchase new gloves instead of laundering, but we can show you the cost savings when you let us take care of cleaning your PPE. Our focus is to provide the best PPE laundering in the industry while improving your bottom line.

More and more your company needs to consider the impact you’re making on the environment. PPE laundering is part of the solution. Instead of throwing out used gloves, launder them with us! It’s both cheaper and more green. When you increase the life of your PPE with the Bates Enterprises’ proprietary system, you save money.

Cleaning Cut Resistant Gloves

Our services save you more than any other alternative. You may be tempted to go with a cheaper laundry service, but have you really saved any money when your gloves come back still dirty, unsafe, and unusable? You may want to purchase new gloves instead of laundering, but we can show you the cost savings when you let us take care of cleaning your PPE. Our focus is to provide the best PPE laundering in the industry while improving your bottom line.

More and more your company needs to consider the impact you’re making on the environment. PPE laundering is part of the solution. Instead of throwing out used gloves, launder them with us! It’s both cheaper and more green. When you increase the life of your PPE with the Bates Enterprises’ proprietary system, you save money.

PPE Laundering Services in 3 Easy Steps

Bates Enterprises proudly serves customers representing a variety of different industries, each one with its own unique needs. We fully customize your plan to suit your business’s goals. There’s an art to laundering PPE well. Our proprietary process consists of four steps to ensure your items truly get cleaned and sanitized.

You’re just three steps away from saving money on your personal protective equipment:

Give us a try

Set aside up to 50 pounds of dirty PPE. We’ll launder it at no cost to you. There is absolutely no obligation. Let us show you what we can do!

Invite us to your site

We strive to make our interactions seamless. We’ll visit your facility and present our customized glove management program, so you can learn exactly what we can do for you.

Why Launder PPE in the First Place?

You might ask why you should launder PPE. After all, isn’t it easier to throw out greased-up gloves? Not so fast! At Bates Enterprises we make it easy for you to have your personal protective equipment laundered, which prevents you from having to continually buy new supplies. In addition, you’re helping to reduce waste, which is good for the environment and helps you meet ISO 14001 and zero landfill standards. There aren’t many true win:win situations in the world, but this is one.

Customized Laundering Services
Customized Laundering Services
Customized Laundering Services
Customized Laundering Services
Used Gloves Laundering
Customized Laundering Services
Used Gloves Laundering
Used Gloves Laundering
Customized Laundering Services
Used Gloves Laundering
Used Gloves Laundering
Used Gloves Laundering
Customized Laundering Services
Used Gloves Laundering
Used Gloves Laundering
Used Gloves Laundering

Customized Laundering Services

We fully customize a plan to suit your needs. There’s an art to laundering PPE well. Our proprietary process consists of four steps to ensure your items truly get cleaned and sanitized. Items we launder:

  • Kevlar
  • Twaron
  • Dyneema
  • PVC
  • Urethane / HPPE
  • Nitrile
  • Impact Gloves
  • Rugs
  • Robot Covers
  • Protective & FR Clothing
  • Absorbents
  • Sealer Rags & Gloves
  • Leather
  • Cotton
  • Harnesses
  • Sleeves
  • Welding Jackets
  • Chaps
  • Hi-Vis
  • Microfiber Rags
  • Rags
  • Safety Vests
  • Paint Gloves
  • Mop Heads

We’ll get your gear clean, whatever it takes.

It’s taken a long time and effort to get our process just right, but we’re nimble enough to customize the process to clean whatever you put your PPE through.

Start Your Free Trial Today

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Contact Us for PPE Laundering that’s
the Best in the Industry

Contact Us for PPE Laundering that’s the Best in the Industry

We at Bates Enterprises are proud to help customers all across the country with their PPE. Our pride shows in our commitment to quality, our skill in offering the best PPE laundering services the industry has to offer, and our ability to save our customers money. The value of our services has been proven time and time again. Contact our office in Childersburg, Alabama to learn how we can help you save money!

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